Saturday, December 8, 2007

Home Made Chop Suey

"Mixed pieces" is basically what Chop Suey means. An American Chinese dish of a little of this and a little of that. I saw a Food Network special on Thanksgiving telling of how Chinese chefs in San Francisco would basically do this, throw whatever they had together and cook it, making Chop Suey. Especially popular during later hours when people were getting out of work and extremely hungry. Tonight, I basically threw some stuff in a pan and cooked it up. Total crap shoot. Steve wanted some stir-fry type dish, so we had some vegetables. At the store today I picked up some chicken and marinated it in soy sauce. Threw the chopped chicken and veggies in a pan later on with a mix of olive, sesame and hot pepper oils. Threw together a sauce made with some soy sauce, teriyaki marinade and plum sauce, added a dash of red cooking wine and chili sauce and some sesame seeds. Thickened the sauce with a bit of corn starch. It came out pretty good, I think I over cooked the vegetables, there was no crispness. The sauce came out well though which I'm glad about, it was edible. The veggies were just a bit limp. Had it with a white wine from Goose Watch called Snow Goose. Steve didn't like it, but I think it's rather enjoyable. Then again he's more of a fan of dry reds and this is a somewhat sweet white. Doesn't say what kind of grape is used, but it's a nice sweet wine. I can say I did well for one of those quick throw-stuff-together-and-be-experimental dinners.

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